Our work

We do good work for good people.  It’s simple.

Great Scott merges traditional PR with the new communications tools.  This is a game that’s changing – and we love it. 

The digital age keeps us sharp, making us discover new ways to cut through the noise and get our clients’ messages across to an increasingly segmented audience.

We build long-term relationships with clients who are doing great stuff and who share our kaupapa.  We become pretty invested in and passionate about our clients – who they are, what they do and their journey. And this is how we do it…


    We do words. We do words really well. So whether you want a 10,000 word Annual Report or a few words for an Insta post… we’re your people. Newsletters? Not a problem. Editorial? Easy.


    A comms version of a map. Our strategies look at what a client wants to achieve and provides them with the knowledge and tools to get them from where they are now to where they need to be. Bumps on the road? No worries. We identify risks, provide proactive and reactive messaging and hand you a plan and a direction to put into action.


    We also do the hard yards, turning that carefully crafted strategy into action – doing the work (whether that’s a carefully crafted stakeholder engagement plan or a bespoke social media campaign) that makes the difference and gets the results.


    We get our clients heard in the overflowing digital landscape that we live in. We can establish and manage the tools (website, apps or social media platforms) you need, create content (including video) that gets cut through or provide you with a Strategy and support to do it yourself.


    The traditional mainstay of any PR agency, but today the media environment is anything but traditional. We know it, understand it and are well connected to it. That means we can support anyone who needs help getting into or out of the media spotlight.


    When you are hit with a crisis you don’t just need good communications, you need great communications. We help our clients plan for the unthinkable and if the unthinkable happens, we are with you every step of the way to work through it – and come out the other side smiling.


    A critical link for any business is the communications you do within. Your staff can be your biggest ambassadors or your brand assassins, we work with you to make sure they’re the former.


    Attention spans are waning and if it doesn’t stand out, chances are it won’t get noticed. Our graphic design team build brands, engage audiences and are crucial to achieving cut through


    Words are great, but some stories call for words and pictures. That’s where our video and photography team come in. Master storytellers, they capture epic content that gets noticed and gets cut through.